Personhood Starts In The Womb

“As a Father who has lost a child to an abortion, I know the pain that abortion causes. The passing of the Personhood amendment will recognize personhood for all human beings and will save many people the pain that I once endured.

“In seeing my child at eight weeks gestation in an ultrasound, our child had fingers, toes, eyes, everything. I saw and heard my child’s heart beat and I cried. It was a very overwhelming and beautiful experience for me, until she looked over at me and said: “What are you crying about? Worms have heartbeats too”. Her sister had offered to pay $500 for her to get an abortion. She insisted she was going to get the abortion, was planning to get one that weekend, and broke up with me right before.

“I called the abortion clinic and asked what my rights were; they said “You don’t have any”. I then asked them, “What do you do with the aborted babies? I want to bury my child”. They told me that it wasn’t a child, it was a fetus, and to never call again or they would involve the police. My hands were tied. I, as a father had no legal right to protect my child from a death committed by a “doctor”. I called everyone imaginable to see what my rights were and I got the same answer: “nothing”.

“I saw for my own eyes that Personhood starts in the womb.”

-Theo Purington, the father

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  1. […] very core principles upon which the pro-life effort is based. When pro-life Americans say things like, “Personhood starts in the womb” all human persons already existing before implantation […]

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